Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tawheed and It's Types - Part 2


In my last week's topic about Tawheed (Those who have missed, click here) I had mentioned that there are sub categories, of the three categories of Tawheed. Just for a quick recall.

As proven by Sahih hadith, the five pillars of islam are

1. Tawheed
2. 5 Daily Prayers
3. Fasts of Ramadan
4. Zakaat Once a Year
5. Hajj, once in a Life time, If affordable.

The Word Tawheed Means unification (Making something one). It is Derived from the arabic word Wahid, Ahad and Waheed, Which means One.

There are Three Categories of Tawheed. 

1. Tawheed Rubbuwiyah means is derived from the word RUB, which means LORD. It is to testify that the Lord of this World, creator and owner of this universe is Solely Allah SWT.

2. Tawheed Asma Wal Sifaat. Asma means Names and Sifaat means Characteristics. It defines that all the names and characteristics of Allah SWT mentioned in the Quran and Hadith, Solely Belongs to Allah. 

3. Tawheed Iuloo-wee yah or Tawheed Ibadah. the word "Iuloo wee yah" is derived from the word "ILA" which means "deity which can be worshipped". This category defines that Nothing to be worshipped Except Allah SWT. 
Anything which contradicts the definitions of Tawheed is a Shirk. 

These Categories have further sub categories, Which inshallah I will discuss one by one.

1. Tawheed Rubbuwiyah

Tawheed Rabbuwiyah, is not further divided in any sub-category. This category is based on the fundamental concept that Allah SWT alone caused all things to exist when there was nothing. Allah SWT is the sole Lord of this world. And only Allah SWT controls everything. There is no power greater than Allah

The Prophet Mohammad Peace and Blessing be upon him, commonly

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tawheed and It's Types - Part 1


Eid Mubarak to all of you. May Allah Accept our prayers of the month of Ramadan and Forgive our sins.

There are 5 Pillars of Islam. As proven by the Hadith of Prophet Mohammad Peace and Blessings be upon him. 

The Prophet Mohammad Peace and Blessing be upon him said "Islam is built upon five [pillars]: the testimony that there is no god but Allaah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah; establishing regular prayer (salaah); paying the zakaah; Hajj (pilgrimage) and fasting Ramadaan." (Agreed upon; narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 8) 

And there are numerous other hadith which