Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tawheed and It's Types - Part 1


Eid Mubarak to all of you. May Allah Accept our prayers of the month of Ramadan and Forgive our sins.

There are 5 Pillars of Islam. As proven by the Hadith of Prophet Mohammad Peace and Blessings be upon him. 

The Prophet Mohammad Peace and Blessing be upon him said "Islam is built upon five [pillars]: the testimony that there is no god but Allaah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah; establishing regular prayer (salaah); paying the zakaah; Hajj (pilgrimage) and fasting Ramadaan." (Agreed upon; narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 8) 

And there are numerous other hadith which
tells about the pillars of islam.

1. Tawheed
2. 5 Daily Prayers
3. Fasts of Ramadan
4. Zakaat Once a Year
5. Hajj, once in a Life time, If affordable.

Unfortunately in our culture, We find many books on Prayers and Fasting, zakaah, hajj umrah... but we are not aware of books related to Tawheed and it;s types. Despite the Fact that Tawheed is the Most important and the First pillar of Islam.

This is a Fact that the Word Tawheed is not stated in Quran and Hadith. However a different form of Tawheed...

In Saheeh al-Bukhaari (7372) and Saheeh Muslim (19) it is narrated that Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) sent Mu'aadh ibn Jabal to Yemen, he said to him: "You are going to people from among the People of the Book, so let the first thing to which you call them be belief in Allaah alone (Tawheed). If they accept that, then tell them that Allaah has enjoined on them five prayers every day and night. If they pray then tell them that Allaah has enjoined on them zakaah from their wealth to be taken from their rich and given to their poor. If they agree to that then take it from them but avoid the best of people's wealth."  

in the above Hadith the word use was Yuwahidoo Allah, which the present tense of Tawheed ( See Book "The Fundamentals of Tawheed" by Dr. Bilal Page 18 )

The Word Tawheed Means unification (Making something one). It is Derived from the arabic word Wahid, Ahad and Waheed, Which means One.

There are Three Categories of Tawheed. ( Please note that These 3 Categories are not mentioned in Quran or Hadith, They were devised by the scholars after the companions of the Prophet Peace be upon him ) The reason for developing these 3 categories were as Islam was spreading to different portions, People started joining their previous beliefs with islam. So the scholars of that time categorised it for easier understanding. The three types are

1. Tawheed Rubbuwiyah
2. Tawheed Asma- wal- Safaat
3. Tawheed Iuloo-wee yah

1. Tawheed Rubbuwiyah means is derived from the word RUB, which means LORD. It is to testify that the Lord of this World, creator and owner of this universe is Solely Allah SWT.

2. Tawheed Asma Wal Sifaat. Asma means Names and Sifaat means Characteristics. It defines that all the names and characteristics of Allah SWT mentioned in the Quran and Hadith, Solely Belongs to Allah. 

3. Tawheed Iuloo-wee yah or Tawheed Ibadah. the word "Iuloo wee yah" is derived from the word "ILA" which means "deity which can be worshipped". This category defines that Nothing to be worshipped Except Allah SWT. 

Anything which contradicts the definations of Tawheed is a Shirk

These Categories have further sub categories, Which inshallah I will discuss in the next E-mail. 

Meanwhile you can read 
1. Book "The Fundamentals of Tawheed" by Dr. Bilal

and Watch videos about Tawheed by different scholars like Dr. Bilal, Dr. Zakir and others on youtube. ( I will post the links later inshallah ), In Urdu you can search for Sheikh Tauseef Ur Rehman Video with title Tawheed ki Aqsaam

May Allah Guide us all to the right path. Ameen


  1. SubhanAllah! Very Informative! Thank you for sharing such knowledge!

  2. Dear Asim,

    Thanks for this lovely information and congratulations on your ten days of aitekaaf. May Allah accept all our Sajood n Qayam during the month of Ramadan.


  3. Jazaakallah Khair!

    One cannot be called a Musalmaan without the observance of the firstmost / foremost principle/Kalmah Of Tawheed!

    "La Ilaha Illullah" There's no God but Allah (alone.) baqee sub batain/principles/pillars baad mayn.

  4. Thank you very much very useful .
