The basic duty of a filter is to allow certain things to pass through it… A water filter only allows pure water to pass and makes sure that dirt is stopped… A fuel filter in our cars make sure that dirt is captured and only clean fuel is passed through it… Or I might say… Filters are the dividers… which divides the contents into two… one of them is Pass and other one is fail… Pass and fail criteria is dependent upon who makes that criteria…
Similar principal is applied in human race… and filters are normally known as guards, gatekeepers or checkpoints… There duty is also to divide the humans into two, according to the instructions given… they usually tag them allowed (Pass) or not allowed (fail)… Just take an example of 50 people… Half drunk and half Daees… A guard on the door of a mosque will tag the Drunk guys as FAIL… whereas same group of drunk would be tagged as PASS in a night club… The group of pious Daees would be tagged PASS on the gate of a mosque whereas FAIL at a door of nightclub…
Even such type of guards are present inside the humans… I am not talking about the tongue… which can taste food and let the good one go in your stomach… I am talking about the hidden guard… which is somewhere sitting behind our eyes and ears… Most of the people do not agree that they have a built-in guard in them… but yet they show it practically… Everyone wants to hear and adopt, what they wish to hear and adopt... other than that... everything is filtered...
How many times, husband remember the duties of their wives but forget their duties toward them… Usually men find it comfortable to hear about the duties of a wife… and yet are very uncomfortable when they are told that they are obliged to do this for their wife… there a many husbands available who remember that one of their wife duties is to make food for him and keep his house maintained… but yet forget that it is husband duty to comfort his wife… Infact our filter makes us forget the hadith when Ummul-Momineen Safiyah (May Allah be pleased with her) wept because one of the ummul-momineen called her "daughter of the Jew"… and the Prophet Mohammad (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) comforted her by saying "you are a daughter of a Prophet, your uncle was a Prophet and your husband is a Prophet…"
How easy it is for us to make virtual/Adopted relations… Making virtual elder sisters and virtual brothers… and yet our filter filters the information that Islam have no space for such verbal / virtual or adopted relations… How could our minds filter that the Prophet Mohammad (Peace be Upon him) married Zaynab Bint Jaysh (May Allah be pleased with her), the former wife of the Prophet's (Peace be upon him) adopted son Zayd ibn Harithah… thus proving that adopted relations are of no value in Islam…
Knowing the steps of shaitaan… the temptation created by shaitaan… yet Many Male Daees prefer to adding huge number of females and also send request to all the females in other daees profile… Female daees forget that one day they will get married and might hurt the Gairah (Protective Jealousy) of their husband… how could their mind filter the Refusal of Asma Bin Abi Bakr (May Allah be pleased with her) to ride behind the Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) and walk with a load of date-stones for almost 3 miles… just because she did not wanted to hurt the gairah of her husband Al-Zubair (May Allah be pleased with him)… as narrated by al-Bukhaari (4823) and Muslim (4050)…
Havn't we met number of parents... who usually reject marraige purposal for their sons and daughters... just because the purposal is from a boy/girl who belongs to another family, caste or low salaried person... or does not poses a handsome dashing advertising come their mind filters the Hadith of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH, When the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said "If there comes to you with a proposal of marriage one with whose religious commitment and attitude you are pleased, then marry [your daughter or female relative under your care] to him, for if you do not do that, there will be fitnah (tribulation) on earth and widespread corruption." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 1084; Ibn Maajah, 1967. Classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 1022.
Have you ever met a person, who always talks about Islam, the end of times, dawaah… He/she talks about Dr. Zakir, Dr. Israr, Dr. Bilal, and Dr. Farhat like they know them since childhood… and yet fail to spare time for the Jummah prayer? How many times you have talked to a woman, who talks a lot about deen and is worried about life after death… but when you tell her about Hijaab… her response is usually… Does Islam starts and ends with hijab????
How have we programmed our filters??? Don't you think it is the time to re-program our filters???
And surely Allah knows the best...
JazakAllah Khair
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